Integrating with Bitcoin Smart Contracts

Nov 30, 2024

Bitcoin smart contracts operate differently than those on Ethereum or other blockchain platforms due to Bitcoin's scripting language, Script. This tutorial walks you through integrating with Bitcoin smart contracts using the popular Taproot upgrade, which simplifies and enhances contract functionality.


  1. Basic Understanding of Bitcoin: Familiarity with transactions and UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs).
  2. Bitcoin Full Node or Testnet Setup: Install Bitcoin Core or access a testnet to avoid using real funds for development.
  3. Libraries/Tools:
  4. BitcoinJS for JavaScript developers.
  5. BTCPy for Python developers.

Steps for Integration

1. Set Up a Development Environment

  1. Install Node.js and bitcoinjs-lib:

~ bash

npm install bitcoinjs-lib

  1. Alternatively, use Python with btcpy:

~ bash

pip install btcpy

2. Define the Smart Contract

  1. A Bitcoin smart contract can be written using Bitcoin Script. For example, a multisignature wallet where funds are unlocked if at least 2 out of 3 keys sign the transaction:

Bitcoin Script Example:

~ script


3. Generate a Taproot Address

  1. With Taproot, contracts are hidden until they are executed, improving privacy and efficiency.

JavaScript Example:

~ javascript

const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');

// Generate keys
const keyPair1 = bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom();
const keyPair2 = bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom();

// Taproot scripts and address generation
const { address } = bitcoin.payments.p2tr({
internalPubkey: keyPair1.publicKey.slice(1, 33), // Assuming keyPair1 is the main key

console.log('Taproot Address:', address);

4. Fund the Contract Address

  1. Use your Bitcoin wallet or testnet faucet to send BTC to the generated Taproot address. Verify the transaction using a block explorer or by querying your node.

5. Spend from the Contract

  1. To unlock the funds, the required conditions must be met (e.g., signatures from required keys).

Spending with Multisig:

~ javascript

const tx = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder();
tx.addInput('transaction_id', 0); // UTXO to spend
tx.addOutput('destination_address', amount);

// Add signatures
tx.sign(0, keyPair1);
tx.sign(0, keyPair2);

const rawTx =;
console.log('Raw Transaction:', rawTx);

  1. Broadcast the transaction using your Bitcoin node or a public API like Blockstream.


Testing on Bitcoin Testnet

Set up a Bitcoin Core node in testnet mode:

~ bash

bitcoind -testnet

  1. Use testnet faucets to fund your contracts (e.g., Bitcoin Testnet Faucet).

Key Considerations

  1. UTXO Model: Each transaction spends outputs completely, creating new outputs for the remaining balance.
  2. Privacy: Taproot conceals contract logic unless revealed.
  3. Fee Optimization: Ensure you calculate transaction fees accurately.